Welcome to the “Comptoir du billard” site !
The Internet site you have just connected to has been developed by the “Comptoir du billard” for the benefit of all cybernauts who would like to know more about our store, its activities, its products and its services.
RESPECTING YOUR PRIVACY The “Comptoir du billard” is concerned with protecting the privacy of all of those who wish to access our Web site. Therefore, “Comptoir du billard” wishes to inform you: - on the type of information gathered by “Comptoir du billard” when you access our site, - on the way in which “Comptoir du billard” uses this information and protects it. Rest assured! If you do not want “Comptoir du billard” to keep any personal information concerning you when you access our Web site, we will indicate how to proceed and enable you to modify any information you may already have communicated to us. In general, you have the possibility of accessing information concerning you at any time, to update it and correct any errors.
NOTHING WILL BE DONE WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT When you connect to the “Comptoir du billard” Web site, you accept the terms appearing in this charter and, by communicating any personal information, you authorize us to use it in compliance with this charter. If you do not agree to the principles stipulated herein, you must leave our site. “Comptoir du billard” does not wish to keep personal data concerning you without your prior approval. For this reason, we inform you that, although certain pages on the “Comptoir du billard” Web site ask questions to its cybernauts, the answers you may give while visiting our site are not mandatory.
CONTENT AND USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION By "Personal Information", we mean any information which enables a person to be identified. Most often this will mean a name, an address, a telephone number, a credit card number or an e-mail address. Therefore, in browsing through our site, you may be led to communicate a piece of Personal Information. This information may be gathered by the “Comptoir du billard” and subsequently reused in order, for example, to send you information concerning the launch of a contest or a promotional offer reserved for our cybernauts.
WHAT ARE "COOKIES" "Cookies" are the files sent by a site manager, in this case the “Comptoir du billard”, to the cybernaut´s hard drive in order to enable the manager to identify and memorize the cybernaut when he or she connects to the site. ”Comptoir du billard” may want to use the "cookies" system in order to collect information on your visit to our site. This will enable us to learn which parts of our site are of interest to you. In doing so, “Comptoir du billard” may become familiar with your centers of interest and provide you with information that is adapted to your needs. These "cookies" will also keep you from having to provide information you have already communicated to us with each visit, as they will remember that you have already provided this information previously. You will be able to detect the existence of these "cookies" and, if you wish, to delete them.
HOW COMPTOIR DU BILLARD USES THE INFORMATION CONCERNING YOU The information concerning you that we gather when you visit the “Comptoir du billard” site is only used by “Comptoir du billard” to improve our Web site and to provide you with services that are increasingly adapted to your needs. However, you should know that we will only contact you to inform you on our special offers with your authorization: if you do not wish to be contacted in the future, just follow the instructions indicated below in the section "how to contact us". ”Comptoir du billard” also wishes to inform its netsurfers that all information communicated by them will be used solely by the companies forming the “Comptoir du billard”, with the view to offer a increasingly efficient service. Finally, any information concerning you will be revealed by “Comptoir du billard” to any individual, organization or administrative body authorized to demand such information in compliance with French law.
WHAT SECURITY FOR THE INFORMATION THAT IS TRANSMITTED TO US ”Comptoir du billard” has adopted measures to protect the information you communicate to us. For this reason, the entire “Comptoir du billard” staff is only authorized to use the information you transmit to us if it is necessary.
HOW TO CONTACT US As the purpose of this charter is to protect your privacy, we thank you for informing us of your wishes and comments. Please do not hesitate to inform us of any violation of your privacy due to a visit to the “Comptoir du billard” site. We will answer you within a reasonable deadline. If, in the future, you do not wish to be contacted further to a visit to the “Comptoir du billard” site, write to us at fp@lcb-billard.com .If you would like to verify, correct or update any Personal Information you have communicated to us, write to us at fp@lcb-billard.com
USE AND CONTENT OF THE COMPTOIR DU BILLARD SITE Use of any document from the “Comptoir du billard” site is authorized for information purposes and for private use only. Any use for any other purpose is expressly prohibited. ”Comptoir du billard” cannot guarantee the exactitude or the comprehensiveness of the information made available to cybernauts on its site. Consequently, “Comptoir du billard” shall not be held liable for any inexactitude and/or omission contained in one or several pieces of information available at its site. More generally, “Comptoir du billard” may not be held liable for any damage resulting from a cybernaut´s accessing the “Comptoir du billard” site or, inversely, to the impossibility of accessing it. Comptoir du billard declines all responsibility relating to damage resulting from the use of this site and the information contained in it.
MODIFICATION OF THE CHARTER This charter and the principles resulting from it may be modified by “Comptoir du billard” at any time. “Comptoir du billard” agrees to inform you as soon as possible of such modifications and invites you to regularly consult this page of our site. |